Der Jambo-Blog

4 Wege, wie Jambo Ihr Stakeholder-Management vereinfacht

Written by Jambo | June 25, 2021

Whether you want to improve your stakeholder relationships, stay on top of issues or lower your project risks, utilizing Stakeholder Relationship Management software (SRM) to take your stakeholder management process to the next level is an excellent choice, especially if you want to streamline and simplify your efforts. But with many SRM options on the market today, choosing the best option for your organization can be overwhelming.

To help your research, in today's blog, we're sharing four ways our SRM, Jambo, makes your stakeholder management efforts faster and easier.

1. Jambo's stakeholder-focused workflows are specifically designed to manage your stakeholder information

With Jambo's stakeholder-focused workflows, our software has been designed explicitly for managing stakeholder information so that you can gain richer insights and report on your data faster and easier.

While many software providers talk about their workflows, having stakeholder-focused workflows means your software has been intentionally designed to meet stakeholder management needs and challenges.

With an SRM like Jambo, you can be confident that you're using the right software for the task at hand, so you don't have to worry about making do with a subpar option or trying to customize something that's not suited to your needs.

Traceability - everything connects in Jambo so that you can understand the whole story

Part of what makes Jambo's workflows so efficient is how all your inputted stakeholder information connects, helping you better understand your stakeholders and projects. This connectivity is called traceability (i.e., the ability for the data to connect to tell you the whole story or gain the big picture).

An example of how traceability works in Jambo is in our stakeholder profiles. By clicking on a stakeholder profile in Jambo, you can easily access all the previous engagement information, such as communications, issues, or commitments associated with that stakeholder.

But this capability is not limited to the profiles, as traceability works throughout the system, helping you find the information you need and then leading you to other related information with Jambo's suggestions and easy platform navigation.

With this ability, you can quickly and easily prepare for stakeholder meetings or decide on your next logical stakeholder engagement step for better project outcomes.

To learn more about traceability in Jambo, check out our blog!

2. Jambo's dashboard overview helps you and your team stay updated at a moment's notice

In stakeholder management, it's common to deal with a lot of stakeholder information and many different tasks, so you and your team will benefit from having a dashboard overview to help you make sense of your data at a moment's notice.

The Jambo dashboard helps users stay updated on stakeholder project highlights.

Jambo's dashboard overview gives you a snapshot of some of your vital stakeholder data when you log into your account, showing you critical updates on your project. This snapshot includes the issue's materiality matrix and the progress of issues (e.g., open vs. closed issues). You can also see your specific tasks for whatever project you're on and any recent changes your team has made to help you understand their current work for more transparency and better team collaboration.

Additionally, with Jambo's dashboard, you can view critical documentation and the geospatial project overview map and gain valuable stakeholder insights to understand how many stakeholders you're engaging with and how (and where) you and your team have engaged with them.

With all this information at your fingertips, you can better use your data to make strategic stakeholder management decisions quickly and easily.

3. Jambo keeps the stakeholder data you and your team collect in one organized, accessible and secure space

It needs to be organized and understandable to gain the most value from your stakeholder information. You can't rely on your information if you can't find it or if it's not accessible to you and your team.

There are better options than spreadsheets for managing stakeholder engagement projects.

Most organizations are still trying to make spreadsheets work for their stakeholder management. However, making sense of multiple spreadsheets with various input processes can take time and effort. In addition, when you need clarification on where your information is or even have access to it all, it's impossible to make the best decisions for your stakeholder engagement plan. You and your team waste valuable time searching for your information in these spreadsheets, and this issue snowballs as you collect more data.

Are you still using spreadsheets? Learn 5 things spreadsheets can't do for stakeholder management!

Jambo has been designed for an optimal user experience

To ensure you gain the most value from your stakeholder information, Jambo is well-designed to keep your data organized and accessible. We've considered everything from the page design how different users will want to use the SRM, and the best ways to organize the stakeholder information.

The result is that Jambo makes everything from the input process to reporting out on your data a streamlined and straightforward experience for your entire team, so you can find the information you need when you need it.

4. Jambo offers valuable reporting options to meet a variety of needs

Reports are an essential part of the stakeholder management process, as sharing your data with your teams, stakeholders, communities, managers, or regulators is vital.

Understanding that organizations will need a variety of reports to meet various requests, Jambo offers users the ability to report some, most, or all of their information in multiple ways.

Configure and run Jambo reports in just a few clicks

Whether you need a report on everything you've logged on a particular stakeholder, on all your issues, commitments, or a complete history of engagement, you can run these reports in Jambo within minutes using our filters. Then, you can even save report settings to make running that same report even faster in the future.

Jambo reports also include any added attachments like PDFs or images to ensure you can see "everything" when you need it.

With these reporting options, Jambo is a powerful and flexible tool that will help your team to work faster and easier toward your stakeholder management goals.

Jambo simplifies stakeholder relationship management.

Understanding organizations' unique stakeholder engagement challenges, we designed Jambo to help our users meet their stakeholder management goals faster and easier than ever before.

We simplified how organizations manage stakeholder engagement by helping teams collaborate in real-time to track, report, and stay on top of all their stakeholder information.

Whether you're inputting communication records, analyzing your data, running detailed reports, or reviewing the entire history of engagement with stakeholders, we've designed Jambo to anticipate your needs, keeping your information at your fingertips through intelligent workflows and automation.

Learn more about how Jambo will simplify your stakeholder management

To learn more about what Jambo can offer your organization, download our free "Why Jambo" brochure by clicking the image below.

And if you're ready to see Jambo in action, sign up for a free, no-pressure demo!